
last night, fourteen fine folks in chicago got together and ate 47.6 lbs of Old Country Buffet. that's 3.4 lbs each. you'll note in a photo captured by one of the amateur competitive eaters, that, as it turns out, one heaping pile of food is only one pound. so almost three and a half plates each of mashed potatoes, fried chicken, creamy coleslaw, fries, peas, corn, jello,...
this: three and a half times over.
i am so, so in awe. deeply, reverently in awe.
i know. they ate a terrifying amount of food. i so wish i was there! i'm tempted to do the same here but i don't know if anyone i know here would be game.
You know what's funny? Both of those plates were mine. -Mintwaster
Um....My friend worked at an Old Country Buffet. I would advise not eating there.
i can only imagine the appalling reuse of food, the general lack of hygiene in the kitchen, etc.
but i look at mintwaster and see a healthy, happy OCB eater. see the two plates pictured above? -- she ate all that food and was able, just a few days later, to eat fried chicken at the brand new Pollo Campero! now that's eating!
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