25 October 2002

eating the absolute wrong thing for lunch: carbs&dairy, just in case i'm not sleepy enough. don't get me wrong, the potatoes feta tomato arugula is quite tasty but it tends to have the same affect as hitting myself over the head with a sledgehammer. come to think of it, though, it is much easier than hitting myself over the head with a sledgehammer so at least there's that. it would also be good all mashed up...something to keep in mind should i ever shatter my jaw.

last night right before going to bed i just had to eat something and so i made myself a quick little quesadilla-type thing which immediately sank to the bottom of my stomach. oh, except for the grease oozing out of the cheese that i managed to get all over my face. lovely. another reminder that i am such a classy lady.


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