06 December 2003

Last night, LRG made me the most fantastic dinner while i sat on my bum and watched "What Your Library Needs to Now About the Patriot Act" or something like that put out by ALA, ARL, AALL and another library association with a complicated acronym. she made butternut squash with feta, pine nuts, onions and tomatoes, first sauteed, then baked and fixed up some israeli cous cous to go with it. ohmyword, totally delicious!! and seasonal, too. oh, the joys of being cooked for! especially by someone who is a good cook! i highly recommend it!

and then, from there, off to a party at which we gorged ourselves on only the classiest of party foods: cool ranch doritos, goldfish, taco tubes (that's not what they're called at all, but you know what i'm saying), chocolate chip cookies from a tube and miller high life. it doesn't get more sophisticated than that, now, does it?

and this just got me thinking of a fantastic party idea. Tube Food! a party in which everything that is served either comes from a tube or is shaped like a tube! so good! cookies from a tube, pringles, those taco things, perhaps ants on a log, maybe a buche de noel, the possibilities are endless!


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