03 September 2002

having worked for two entire months as the egg cook at a breakfast place in atlanta, i jump at the opportunity to make omelettes. i'm actually quite good at it. so this past sunday i invited jen and tom over for brunch and headed over to the store to buy omelette fillings. four cheeses, a zucchini, a pepper, tomato, mushrooms, an onion, a head of garlic and a bunch of parsley later, we were sitting in my sun room, recently converted into a dining area, enjoying omelettes and berries. quite pleasant, really.

and i got to break in my heat-safe spatula which was quite the thrill. it is truly a thing of beauty. with barb's nonstick saute pan, i'm in omelette heaven. and even thought i'm out of practice, i successfully flipped all three omelettes without a single drop of spilled egg.

food the rest of the weekend was a bit scattered: a yogurt here, a cup of soup there. disjointed, which is, i guess, the nature of eating in hot weather. its too hot to eat a big meal and as a result i'm hungry about an hour after every meal so i'm constantly eating small portions all day long. well, small for me.

lunch today was a pb&j sandwich and a farmers cheese, tomato and cilantro sandwich. with, as karen says, "cilantro as a vegetable" it was good. it didn't do anything to lift my energy which is dragging along.


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