13 September 2002

for reasons unknown to me, the office coffee has suddenly become too much caffeine for this body to handle. i feel my heart twittering away and its nearly impossible to focus on one task and stay sitting still at my computer. its evil stuff, that caffeine. maybe i should cut myself off. but its so good! and it always seems like such a good idea in the morning. kind of like the mid-afternoon candybar which always seems like it will offer the perfect little sugar rush to get me through the day but always ends up sucking out any remaining energy i may have left in me.

but today's lunch was very tasty leftovers from last night. black beans with mushrooms, red peppers and tomatoes served over rice with a big handful of cheddar cheese. it was one of those dinner-in-fifteen-minutes (not including time spent waiting for rice to cook) successes in which the random combination of ingredients carelessly thrown into a pot managed to come together quite well, never ever to be duplicated.

dessert last night was a handful of chocolate chips, a messy habit that i've picked up from my mom. i mean, why bother with cookies? the cookie dough is just a barrier between me and the chocolate chips! so, i prefer to just go right to the source and try to limit myself to a bag a week. and its much tastier than the milk chocolate slim fast drinks i've been having for breakfast. no, i'm not on a liquid diet (obviously) or trying to lose weight...i'm just exploring ways to trick myself into eating something for breakfast and the liquid diet seemed like the best route. its been working, too. with a 35 minute bike ride to work, i'm parched and the slim fast drinks are readily accessible. so chug-a-lug and i've tricked myself into eating--er, drinking breakfast! so sneaky!


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