09 October 2004


so, i've just finished preparing a massive vat (that would be approximately 1/2 quart) of cauliflower curry and a smaller quantity of basmati rice for myself and my New Friend, who is supposed to be coming over for dinner before heading out to see Maria Full of Grace. but she's not here yet and i'm all worried that on this, my first night to have company over, i'll be stood up. isn't that sad! well, more curry for me i guess.

i went to the farmers market this morning, with my travel mug of coffee and my canvas bag thrown over my shoulder. i felt very eugene. i got a stalk of brussel sprouts, a potato, an onion and a bag of mesclun greens. then, just after finishing my coffee, i ran into a friend who asked me to coffee. i had a mug of green tea and i'm still all twittery from the caffeine. bzzzzzzzzzz.......... i fear that i won't be able to sit still during the movie, which i can hardly do when i haven't had any caffeine. damn tea! and the sad thing is that i got it thinking that it would be less intense then coffee. ha!


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